Hello! Here We Go

Hello!  Well here goes nothing!  If you are reading this you might be wondering what I'm going to blog about. Before I dive into that, a little bit about me. 

I'm Nicole aka Nikkie.  Married to a wonderful man, one child a dog and a cat.  Education MBA.  My career, AVP working in the financial industry.  Hobbies; fishing, hunting, photography, traveling (like around my state, not a world traveler. Lol), and treating my dog as a second child because of empty nest syndrome.   

That is Barkley! Okay, back to the blog.  I have been debating what to write about. I was about a half hour into the research before it  became overwhelming.  The first recommendation is to write about your passion.  What ever your passion is just write about it, post pictures, share quotes.  Don’t write about what other people have written about, so many blogs have been over done.  Start a new and interesting one about your passion…..  This got me thinking….  What is my passion?? 

To figure out what my passion is I had to first really understand the definition of passion. The definition of passion “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.” (Webster)  Wow that is big.  So I continued to press on and look for examples of a passion first is rising children.  Well my child is 22 doing great, landed the job he wanted, moved north to the UP of MI.  Marrying the smartest, prettiest girl.   Couldn’t  be more proud of him.  Soooo writing about children pretty much is out. 

Next write about going back to school.  I can share I got my bachelor when my son was three. I finished my degree when he was 7.  For my masters I completed that when he was a teenager.  I couldn’t have completed my MBA without both my husband and sons support. I had Many late nights, and a few tears.   So it has been years since I juggled those tasks.  So not sure if that still is relevant?  And it isn't a passion, so onto the next topic.

As an AVP my job is really important to me.  I lead a large team in a fast paced environment.  I have grown in this role over many years, I love working with people, I love seeing people grow. During the pandemic and being a leader I realized I can’t fix everything and really started to focus on what I can control.  That hasn’t been easy.  I still practice that everyday.  As much as i know my job is important, its not a passion, its a job.

I thought about getting my doctorates.  I do love learning, but again back to paragraph one am I really that motivated???  I’m proud of my MBA, I worked hard for that, I sacrificed for that.  I’m at a different spot in life.  Will the doctorates really help, is it a passion?  It's not a passion, at least not today 😉

This brought me to my hobbies.  The definition of hobby is “ a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation”  (Podia.com). This definition helped me think deeper about my blog.  I actually started this journey and it didn't all come together until now.  It only took me 6 months to figure out what I wanted to blog about.   Yikes!  My next post will you will learn about what this blog will be about and more about me!




Definition of Passion; Webster




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